About Us
Members of RRCAHT come from diverse backgrounds and professional experiences, with the common goal of eradicating human trafficking in our communities while developing a coordinated response to the needs of victims. The Coalition includes individuals and groups who support our mission, such as the Angels of Mercy, Brightstar Community, Inc., Center for Youth, Church Women United, Feminists for Non-Violent Choices, National Council of Jewish Women, Planned Parenthood/RESTORE, Sisters of St Joseph, Stop Abuse Campaign, Worker Justice Center of New York, World Wide Documentaries, and the Vignelli Center for Design Studies at RIT.
Our History
The Rochester Regional Coalition Against Human Trafficking (RRCAHT) was formed by citizens and stakeholders who couldn’t tolerate the idea of human trafficking in their community. In 2012, the Sisters of St. Joseph had several community-wide conversations that culminated in a showing of the documentary "Not My Life" at the Little Theatre. It ended with a commitment by attendees to ensure that all the relevant stakeholders, as well as everyone in the community who could support them, should meet regularly to understand what everyone was doing, what no one was doing, and what more needed to be done. Two of the biggest gaps that were identified were a lack of training in the community and a lack of legislative advocacy.
RRCAHT then committed itself to fill those gaps, educating thousands of people a year through free training, member meetings and distribution of educational materials. We have supported important pieces of legislation such as the Child Victims Act, the Trafficking Victims Protection and Justice Act, and currently support legislation for Equality-model implementation and for K-12 sexuality education. After RRCAHT became a registered 501c3 in 2018, we were able to receive grant funds to hold our first-ever conference and also started providing direct cash assistance to survivors whose needs weren’t covered by any other community agency.
Today RRCAHT provides education to stakeholders and community members through educational membership meetings, we provide direct support for people in Monroe County’s SAFE court (formerly known as the Human Trafficking court, which is based on the original model established in NYC), as well as support for survivors being helped by member organizations, and we educate hundreds of community members each year.
Our Work
The Rochester Regional Coalition against Human Trafficking (RRCAHT) is dedicated to eliminating human trafficking in our communities through education, advocacy, and networking with individuals and organizations.
Contact Us
To request information about programs or resources in the Rochester community, human trafficking training, or if you are interested in learning more about what RRCAHT does, you can contact us through our contact form. We will respond within 3-5 business days and are not equipped for emergencies/requests.
If you are witnessing someone being hurt or in danger, call 911. If you are aware of a situation where you suspect a minor is being sexually harmed, whether it’s commercially (trafficking) or non-commercially, call 911.
If you see signs of trafficking or things you think may be signs of trafficking, call or text the Polaris hotline at (888) 373-7888 or text 233-733. There will be a bit of a wait, so do this when you’re comfortable when you have some time, and do not do it if someone is in danger.