Lauren Vancott- Founding Member & Board Treasurer

Lauren VanCott has been an anti-human trafficking advocate since 2013. Lauren is Secretary of Angels of Mercy’s Board of Directors, as well as Anti-Human Trafficking Program Director. Lauren provides human trafficking awareness education throughout the Rochester community. She also has a passion for sewing dresses and helping to start new groups for Dress A Girl Around The World.

Lauren is a founding member of the Rochester Regional Coalition Against Human Trafficking, as well as Treasurer for the Coalition’s Board. Lauren also provides anti-human trafficking education through tabling events, and webinars. She was a member of RRCAHT’s Conference Planning Committee for their 2022 inaugural Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference.

Now retired, Lauren enjoyed a 41-year career at Reynolds Consumer Products as Customer Service and Supply Chain Manager; her expertise is in logistics and project management. She has been in various leadership roles at Path Way Wesleyan Church for 33 years, and volunteers with various other serving agencies in our community.